Yesterday, I was sitting in my favorite spot, flipping through the channels when I happened upon the Home Shopping Network. The article du moment was something from Hoover called a Floor Mate. Now, I'm typically pretty skeptical of the demonstrations on infomercials, but this thing looked like it was doing one heck of a job on exactly the same sorts of hard floors that we have in our house.
You'd think that having a lot of ceramic tile and hardwood laminate would make the place easier to clean, but in fact the opposite is true. Whereas you only have to go over the carpeting once with the vacuum and maybe do the baseboards with the attachments now and again, cleaning the tile means sweeping with a broom, using the Swiffer to get all the cat hair and cat-hair-induced dust bunnies, damp mopping with Spic 'n' Span, and then damp mopping again with clear water. Since the house has about half tile floors, we're talking 3 hours or so and a lot of wear and tear on my back.
So like I was saying, I saw this thing going for a bargain price, but blew it off. If it was any good, why would Hoover be selling it for cheap on HSN of all places. I mean, the only people who shop on HSN are morbidly mu-mu wearing hillbillies embedded in their potato chip littered couches. Right? Guess not... 'cause I bought one of the things after a bit of prompting from Sweetie.
But the rhinestone-encrusted denim jackets and faux mother-of-pearl sandals will have to stay with the mu-mus. I'm done.