17 September, 2007

How did I get here?

This month's search terms:
  • sparks are going to fly cause i'm turned on again (see "friction burns")
  • "dilated eyes" eye drops Which reminds me that I still haven't made my opthalmologist appointment.
  • jessica alba shoulder ride Blasted thought police...
  • buy.pickle.juice Not. While. I. Can. Get. It. For. Free.
  • i'm singing a song rolling along "Locomotive Breath", occasionally.
  • "rear steering bike" I've read the discussions, but I still think this sounds like a Bad Idea.
  • zoom foo Yes, but probably not for another week or two.
  • a word for people addicted to riding mountain bikes "Mosquito bait". No, wait. That's two words.
  • badonkadonk site:blogspot.com Sounds intriguing.
  • ladiesladies "flush them" Dial back the mysogyny, dude. You just need to find the right one. And you might try bathing.
  • nabumetone dogs I think I get it: an anti-inflammatory punk rock band. Revolutionary (or not).

Now playing: OK Go, Oh No


Tink said...

"jessica alba shoulder ride - Blasted thought police..."

LOL! You AND Hoop. I've started calling her his other girlfriend. :)

BTW: Did you know the government was following George Orwell? No wonder he was so sketched out.

Foo said...

Tink: Turtle seems to think Jessica's my "other girlfriend", and while I admit she's easy on the eyes, I try not to let them linger. Makes me feel like a dirty old man. I'm actually more partial to Jennifer Connelly, but her name didn't come up in the search results.

That Janie Girl said...

These are hilarious!

Jenn said...

at least they aren't a bunch of freaks like mine had. Some I can't even think of typing without blushing...AND they found these on MY blog? oh, boy.

Lou said...

Quite random search stuff there, my good fellow...but entertaining AND educational.

Although Jessica Alba - drool!

Anne said...

I was thinking about you the other day - I saw a couple of guys on those lounge-bikes.

Anonymous said...

I remember the one about the eyedrops! but hey...you'll have plenty of time to get your eyes checked when you're dead....but just the inside of your eyelids.

Crying Fowl

This morning, at the end of this week's obligatory commute to the office, I turned in to the driveway and was accosted by the biggest ho...