05 August, 2007


Through The Simpsons' eighteen-year history, we've seen lots of guest celebrities reduced to two dimensions. I've always wondered how I'd look with yellow skin and googly eyes... and now I know.

As part of the non-stop hype for the recently-released Simpsons movie, Burger King has put together a web site where you can upload a picture of yourself, answer a few non-personal questions, and see what the analyzer thinks you'd look like as a cartoon character from the Simpsons. I was frankly surprised by how well this worked.

You can try too. www.simpsonizeme.com


Eric Siegmund said...

Funny, I thought you were taller.

Jenn said...

You've Been Nab'd For Doing Nothing

Gwynne said...

Looks just like you. But I assumed you had all five fingers...was it squirrel related?

Allez said...

With a mustache, you might resemble Flanders! :-) I tagged you... if you want to join in the retardedness!

Lou said...

Certainly does resumble you, sir!
Now we should get the TUrtle in on it!


Tink said...

OK, that is funny funny stuff. Now, of course, I have to go play.

Jenn said...


No really, thanks for coming by and saying hi. I thought of you and Turtle today while navigating around downtown Portland. Lots of recumbent bikes out there.

Anne said...

That's pretty cool but, don't you have more of a neck than that? :)

Foo said...

Eric & Emma: At just under 5'8" (I used to be 5'9" before my disks started collapsing), I'm a runt; and I have a scrawny little turkey neck--especially since having my thyroid out.

Gwynne: Any fingers I might have lost would be traffic-related, not the fault of any squirrel.

Allez: Hey, you've seen me. Don't you think it's a fair resemblance?

Lou: Like looking in a mirror!

Crying Fowl

This morning, at the end of this week's obligatory commute to the office, I turned in to the driveway and was accosted by the biggest ho...