23 May, 2007

Cut off

If it weren't for the fact that Blogger is a free service, I'd start to suspect that I'd forgotten to pay my blog bill. Sometime during the past few weeks, I've stopped receiving notifications about comments left by anyone who's logged in to Google. That means I get notices when rcarlino leaves a comment—anonymous, technically, since he's not logged in, but not really, since he leaves his handle—but never know when anyone else does.

Right about the time Emma Sometimes pointed out that one of my posts had got the comment link turned off, I noticed that other posts had received comments I didn't know were there. And here I thought I was just boring you all.

Are the rest of you having this problem, or am I getting the VIP treatment?


I wish I had more entertaining things to tell you about, but there's not much going on but work.

I'm overdue for a trip to Costco, so maybe something weird and blogworthy will come of that.

This morning, I saw three ducks foraging in the ground cover landscaping outside the big city building where I work. They were the tame white ones, and I have no idea where they might have come from.

Yep. I'm coming up dry, so in parting just let me share this thought with you: Я имеют жить форель в моем нижнего белья.


Gwynne said...

I no longer receive reminders on a regular basis, and if I do get them, they are not always timely. Sometimes a day late, if at all. This all comes for FREE, as part of the new IMPROVED Beta Blogger package. Get over it. ;-)

Lou said...

Ok - so for those of us not well-versed in Russian, the last sentence means?

Eric Siegmund said...

Ha, that last line just cracked me up!

But, then, most jokes involving umbrellas and shave cream do.

[See what you're missing when Blogger fails to notify you! It's not a bug; it's a feature!]

Bret said...

Great minds thinking alike, obviously.

Appropriately enough, my word verification: kaszhzr. I bet one of THEM could translate your last sentence.

Jenn said...


Google says this means:

"I have to live trout in my underwear."

You think I'm kidding?

Foo said...

Gwynne: At least it's not just me.

Lou: Mouse over the Russian text. It's not obvious, but I provided the Inglish transmogrification.

Eric: Then again, it's such a pleasant surprise when I do manage to stop by my blog and see that I have new comments.

Emma: Where'd you think I got the translation in the first place? ;)

Allez said...

Have you, or anyone you know done the rally that's in Burleson this weekend? I'm trying to decide if I want to go. The couple of reviews weren't great, but that doesn't always mean anything. Some ralliers act like whiny girls. Sorry this isn't related to your post ;-)

Tink said...

Nice thought. Translation?? :)

Blogger has only been sending half of my comments to me. It's all because of Google. That's my gripe, I'm sticking to it.

Tink said...

Oops. I forgot to read the comments before mine.

Does Turtle ever ask, "Is that a trout in your pants or are you just happy to see me?"

Foo said...

Allez: There's been some discussion about this over on the RBENT forum. One guy mentioned that the reviews on bicycle-stuff.com weren't good; another, who lives in Burleson, says he's done the ride in the past and it's "not that bad". That doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement to me. Turtle and I are doing the Mesquite ride next (June 2), but this weekend, I'm just going to meet up with a couple friends to ride with a small group in Celina.

I'm not sure I still have your e-mail. If you still have mine, drop me a note and I can make a couple suggestions for the PBA rides that Turtle mentioned in an earlier comment.

Tink: I just like saying "I have a live trout in my underpants" because it's a little zippier than "I like monkeys."

Lou said...

Very clever there, Mr. Foo!

And I'm not sure, Tink, if Foo would ever give you a straight answer to your question. Foo? Turtle? Any comments???

Anonymous said...

No comment. I have to live with him. Turtle zipping mouth shut.

Anne said...

I don't get it. But... what's new?

Anonymous said...

I cheated but unlike emma, I just copied and pasted that phrase into google and congratulations you are the number one hit for that!!!

you win half a comment

Foo said...

Lou: There is no spoon...

Anne: there's really nothing to get. I suppose it's just the tiniest bit referential to English Phrase Book sketch that Monty Python did, lo those many years ago ("My hovercraft is full of eels."), but it's mostly just a throwaway non sequitur that I find humorous. Especially when translated into other languages, so that when clever souls like my readers drop it into Google to translate it to English and find out what it says... Bob's your uncle!

I was also one of those nerdy kids who spent time playing around with cyphers and making up secret alphabets, if that provides you any insight.

Badoozie: Cool. I'd rather be at the top of the search pile for some nonsensical phrase that I made up than the word for some questionable practice that someone planted here, in one of her comments.

Crying Fowl

This morning, at the end of this week's obligatory commute to the office, I turned in to the driveway and was accosted by the biggest ho...