12 April, 2006

Career guidance

Lamborghini GallardoI've been seeing this Lamborghini in the parking structure lately, and it's prompted me to ponder my career choices.

Maybe I should have been a drug lord. A lawyer. A corrupt stock broker or CEO. A high-priced call girl. Maybe a steroid-sucking professional athlete or a coddled Hollywood movie actor. A rap star making a killing off "songs" glorifying drugs, crime, and violence.

Nah. I'm too much a slave to my principles.

My nearly ten year old Honda's just fine.


I happened to check in on what search terms are leading people to my blog, this month. Much of it's the usual "what is synaptic misfire" kind of thing, along with half a dozen variations on "if tomorrow never comes" combined with "randy jackson"; but a few were entertaining:
  • sweet taters computer virus email
  • carry on my wayward partition
  • dream involving large mall Comforting to know it's not just me...
  • beaverskin coat
  • female members shaved
  • roof rats+attics+glasgow Oh my!
  • mtbi pat piles "MTBI"? Mild Traumatic Brain Injury? Myers-Briggs Temperament Indicator for mis-ordered acronym spellers? Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Institute? Please be specific and don't pat your piles.
  • "drinking too much water"+"stomach noises"
  • the ice cream man's route for
  • abbreations
The last one's my favorite. I love the irony of someone searching for information on abbreviations and not finding what he was looking for because he'd inadvertently abbreviated the search term. Just left out the 'vi' altogether (as, I'm sure, a lot of you UNIX geeks wish you could do).

But... this raises the troubling question of how a search for "abbreations" led to my blog. My poor wife is probably going to have to distract me with Shiner Bock and pizza to prevent me going all OCD and tearing my blog apart to find where the heck I've misspelt "abbreviations".

Now playing: Marc Bolan & T-Rex, 20th Century Boy: The Ultimate Collection


Anne said...

High priced call girl?

I keep thinking about how much more house I could have for what the price of that car is? As long as it gets us to where we're going safely.

Now, if we're talkin' 'bout motorcycles - that's a different story.

Tink said...

Who needs a nice car anyway? It's totally overrated. Of course the people who own those types of cars never say so. But I'm sure it is.

"sweet taters computer virus" LOL Mmmm. Sweet taters, they're just so bad for your computer!

Foo said...

Susie: You're probably right about the price of the car not necessarily being a gauge of success—although the guy or gal is parking in a special Reserved Space [cue angel choir], and his/her last car was a black Mercedes convertible that was ultra-bling, as well.

BUT it's not the first time I've looked at how everyone around me seems to be able to afford fancier cars than I have and wondered if they have as much saved as Turtle and I have. My Civic may be a rag, but it's mine.

Tink: Sweet taters are a virus. Ask Turtle. She thought she hated the things until... That Christmas. It was when we'd just started dating, and Turtle had driven six hours to meet me at my parents' place. Mom whipped up a feast, which included sweet potato casserole, and Turtle put a dab on her plate just to make a good impression.

And then she had another dab. And, when she thought no one was looking, another. She was...


I went off on this whole riff about addiction, when the virus tie-in was supposed to be infection.

[shoots self in head]

It's a fair cop, but society's to blame.

Anyway, I can take it or leave it, but I wonder if They make a sweet potato patch.

Jaws: actually, it was a beaverskin coat. Which, following your thought process, might be just the slightest bit risqué. Thanks for stopping by.

Jenn said...

sweet taters? Is that a Billy Bob virus?

I just caught a search on my blog for my "daughters name" and blog. The girl is 9 and someone is looking for her blog for????? Needless to say all names have been changed to protect from search engines. YIKES

A flooring material made of pigskin

Foo said...

Emma: I take a little ribbing from Susie for my paranoia, at times, but your experience with someone searching for your daughter's name is exactly the reason why I mask my cast of characters.

Re: sweet taters. I thought that was the nick name of, wossname, White. From Blue Collar Comedy... thingy. Jeff Foxworthy. Larry the Cable Guy. That bunch.

Glad you sorted the whole RUGOHNC thing. I thought it was some sort of carpeting made cooperatively by the state governments of Ohio and North Carolina.

WV: JRKMTH. I really don't care to go into a lot of detail, but I'm pretty sure I encountered an example of this one on my commute home this afternoon.

Bonus round. I forgot to enter my userid and password, so I roll again. WV: DQSBS. Dairy Queen has decided to take a run at Quiznos' and Subway's market shares.

Anne said...

Hey! Did you hijack my post?! Stop doing that.

Turtle said...


Are you sure they weren't trying to search "aberration" versus "abbreviation" meaning "a deviation from the proper or expected course" or "a departure from the normal or typical." That's appropriately YOU and your blog! Maybe they're fingers stumbled and entered a double "bb"? Maybe, they couldn't remember exactly how to spell it and just took a stab at it. Hm. There's more fodder to think about.

*smooch* Have a spendifilous day my word/computer geek!

Suzy-Q said...

Foo your brain is very busy!

If you had been any of those things you mentioned, you wouldn't be the Foo we have all come to know and love.......plus then you would be the driver and we would be blogging about your and your stupid car.

Shiner Bock what is that?

Foo said...

Auntie: Shiner Bock is my favorite beer, brewed with attitude by the Spoetzl Brewing Company, in Shiner, TX.

Crying Fowl

This morning, at the end of this week's obligatory commute to the office, I turned in to the driveway and was accosted by the biggest ho...