18 April, 2006

Health workers would bail

I've always been lucky to be fairly resistant to colds and the sort of crud that laid me out for a few days, back during the Olympics. It's my hardy Teutonic genes, I tell people. The karmic trade-off for that seems to be that I'm deathly allergic to flu vaccinations.

Within 10 minutes of receiving the injection, I just break into a running sweat and fall over. So (at the risk of being obvious) I don't do flu shots.

That's why I was more than a little concerned and irritated when I read this:
Researchers called for more training, better equipment and counselling on Tuesday after nearly half of health workers questioned in a U.S. survey said they would not report for work during an influenza pandemic.

The poll of more than 308 workers from three health centers in Maryland revealed that more than 40 percent would be unlikely to report for work and 66 percent thought they would be putting themselves at risk if they did.

Here we have a group of professionals who will certainly have dibs on the available supply of anti-flu shots, and they're not going to show up for work?

Let me just go on record with any of you health care "professionals" out there who plan to let me puke to death while you cower in your shower stalls: If I catch the bird flu and die because you decided to blow off your job when you were needed, I'll haunt down each and every one of you and follow you around, wailing Yoko Ono compositions 24/7.

Belie' dat.


Anne said...

I'm not a fan of flu shots - never had one and I'm 40 and neither my kids nor The Hubbs has had one. I'm with Badoozer for the most part.

Funny, I was just telling someone there should be a movie made about how sick this country is how many meds everyone is on. Whoever it is: "Let's make them very ill so we can charge enormous amounts of money for them to feel better. Let's not cure them, just give them a permanent bandaide so they'll keep coming back for more."

How we're getting sicker is another story I won't go into. I too am afraid someone mide find me and kill me.

Foo said...

Wow, you guys. I thought I was paranoid.

Maybe you should take something for that. <*wink*>

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