31 January, 2006

The fruits of productivity

Well, they ain't blog entries. That's for sure.

I got volunteered for some volunteer work on a web site for a loose confederation with no money and even less notion of How Those Darned Web Thingies Work. The official webmaster fades in and out of the picture at his own discretion, leaving me to find back doors into the database so that I can help these folks get the content up to date for this year's event.

So, basically, I've spent nearly every free minute of the past three days knocking together code to do the same thing I could have done in half an hour, if only the webführer could be induced to provide me with the information I need to log in to the site's database.

But I digress.

I stumbled into the bee's knees' blog and tried but failed to resist my OCD compulsion to answer her meme. She asked, "What kind of foo [not me; this one] would you be?"
  • Car: '60 Ford Falcon. Old, cheap, dependable, and a little on the small side. Oh, and my brakes squeal.
  • Book: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
  • Movie: Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels.
  • Weather: Partly cloudy with scattered frog showers.
  • Drink: Shiner Bock
  • Ice Cream Flavor: Something with nuts. Butter pecan, let's say. (It has been posited that the nuts are a reference to my mental state. The reasoning is somewhat more organic, however.)
  • Song or Genre of Music: Insurgent country (i.e., "a little bit country; a little bit rock 'n' roll").
  • Shoe: Sneaker. Or maybe a one of those slippers that looks like Godzilla.
  • Website: Oxford English Dictionary
  • Food: Chicken biscuit.
Yes, yes... I realize that passing this off as new material is cheating. But look at it this way: it was either this or another rant about working in a prairie dog colony.

Now playing: Soundgarden, Badmotorfinger. (I'm feelin' outshined)


Jenn said...

Thanks for coming by!! Nice list.

Ice Cream Flavor:something with nuts
Can I deduct your current mental state from said flavor? Maybe it's from the little ones and zeros running around in your Neo-esque head from coding? By the way, I was really hoping this was the coding you were speaking of and not the 'Im in the ER', kind of coding. The latter being far less desirable.

Book: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
This is why I like you already. A mere reference to this book (not movie) gets you great big kudos and 10 extra IQ points.

I will be back!

PS. Oh, yes. Feel free to participate in our mullet photo contest. Winner gets the Honorable Joe Dirt Title.

Foo said...

Susie: You've only been skimming my postings, obviously. I say "thingy" quite often.

I'll have a chicken biscuit without so much hair in it, thank you.

Did I find bee's knees from your blog? I'm pretty sure I've wandered through there before—but yes, I got there from your blog today. No prize. Sorry.

Re: the mullet. Just knowing I'd win the contest is sufficient for me, so there's really no need to try working your social worker's wiles on me.

But don't think I'm not on to you. You made such a big fuss over how you still had an e-mail with a link to my mullet, but I'm guessing you've since discovered the link isn't much good if the picture's off the server.

bee's knees: First off, I hope you like Ally Sheedy, because I think I would have noticed the resemblance even if you hadn't pointed it out. Not a bad thing, despite what the film critics said.

Re. HHGTTG, you are now officially the second woman I've met in all my [mumble] years who didn't think Douglas Adams—and British humor generally—were just stupid.

As the movie was.

One of my prized posessions is a copy of The Complete Hitchhiker's Guide that I got Adams to sign when I met him back in the early '90s.

I may share my mullet, but you'll have to sign a waiver acknowledging that I didn't do so just because Susie the Provocateur dared me not to.

I'm male, not braindead. Even I can make out manipulation when it's that obvious.

Somebody oughta pull her union card...

Jenn said...

Haha. I have been told before about the resemblance I remember her most in Breakfast Club. Haven't seen it since I sported leg warmers and "I LOVE BON JOVI" written in pen on my acid washed jeans.

Hubby and I both love BritComs. I've been to the UK once, and hope to return to do some genealogical research. We love H. Hornblower, Black Adder, Mr. Bean, Are You Being Served, Fawlty Towers (just purchased the DVD series) Thin Blue Line, the BBC Jane Austen adaptations, and of course Monty Python. Going to London is pretty big too.

As for Mullet Man on Susie's blog, Grawwwwowww. Now that is class with a double shot of Old Spice.

consider the waiver signed. Can I quote you?

Foo said...

Bee's knees: was home from work today with some kind of intestinal bug. I thought of you as I dragged out the Red Dwarf videos and started re-watching the series.

Crying Fowl

This morning, at the end of this week's obligatory commute to the office, I turned in to the driveway and was accosted by the biggest ho...