I've been an amateur web page tinkerer almost from the moment I got my first ISP account running in 1995. Along the way, I've picked up a few 'photoshopping' skills (even though I use PaintShop Pro) and have a basic knowledge of CSS2, JavaScript, and PHP gubbins.
This morning, while Googling for some esoteric bit of web tech, I stumbled across the site of Matija Turčin.
I can't read much of the site, because I don't speak Czech or Hungarian or whatever this is. I don't even know whether Matija's male or female (one or the other, probably). What I do know is that the design of his/her site is one of the coolest I've seen in recent memory.
Anyone who's visited my blog within the past month probably groks that I'm a total sucker for old-timey things. I like old books, old pictures, and the sort of distressed, earthy style I see in Sweetie's scrapbooking magazines.
Sadly, my artistic ability doesn't extend much beyond "I know what I like when I see it", so all I can do is look at a design like this and salivate.
The senses consume. The mind digests. The blog expels.
Certain individuals keep telling me that I should be a writer (Hi Mom). This is probably as close as I'll ever come to making that happen.
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Crying Fowl
This morning, at the end of this week's obligatory commute to the office, I turned in to the driveway and was accosted by the biggest ho...
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This morning, at the end of this week's obligatory commute to the office, I turned in to the driveway and was accosted by the biggest ho...
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That's a pretty cool site. You got any book recommendations on web design and code junk?
Foo: I agree. That's one very nice site. Wish I had your programming talent to do some of that. Hell, I'd have a job by now if I did!
Susie: I used to do the scrapbooking stuff, but I've been too busy searching for a job, being wifely, handcycling and genealogy research (occasionally) to have time for that too. I would LOVE to scrap more, especially since I have all the stuff for it. I have our honeymoon book 1/3 done and our home book 3/4 done...neither are finished. Our wedding book is still in my head. ARRRGGG! And all the other books are I've planned are right there with it...in PipeDreamLand.
If I could just figure out how to get by with less sleep ... well ... there's the answer. *SIGH*
That is a pretty neat site. I'm so talented, I had to pay someone to do my blog. Talented enough to write a check, that is.
Anne: I'm afraid that any book on web technology with which I have direct experience would be at least two years old—which roughly equivalent to saying they're from the stone age.
Most of trendier concepts I've picked up have come from the Content vs. Presentation schools of thought on web sites like A List Apart and CSS Zen Garden (links to which you'll find conveniently placed just below my blogroll). These focus on organizing content logically rather than typographically and then control the layout and appearance of the content using CSS and other web-related doo-dads.
Another way I learn techniques is to perform post-mortem analysis of functioning code like... oh... our blog templates. If you pop the hood, you'll see that they're all laid out with CSS, and not a layout table in sight.
And it's working. I've recently added a blog to my genealogy site, and I liked my hacked blog layout so well that I'm "fixin' ta" retool the entire site to match. My nefarious plan, if I can get the design right, is to implement user-selectable styles that may fit an individual's needs better than what pleases me (see "Big, Stark & Chunky" at A List Apart).
Looks like it might be a nice site...I'll have to check it out very soon.
Thanks Foo!
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