26 May, 2006

Daily tipple can bring health benefits

LONDON (Reuters) - Moderate drinking reduces the risk of heart disease but the beneficial effects of alcohol seem to work differently in men and women, Danish researchers said on Friday.

They found that for men drinking daily seems to have the biggest positive effect on health while in women the amount of alcohol consumed may have more of an impact.

"The risk of heart disease was lowest among men who drank every day," said Janne Tolstrup of the National Institute for Public Health in Copenhagen.

It's okay, Sweetie; I have a prescription!

Now playing: Ben Harper & The Innocent Criminals, Burn To Shine


Gwynne said...

They say, on average women drink 5.5 drinks per week??

Hmm, that sounds like a lot to me. And I don't think of myself as a teetotaler (how the heck do you spell that?).

I'm guessing the positive health effects are in alcohol's ability to reduce stress, which is clearly linked to heart attacks.

Turtle said...

I drink more now that I'm married to Foo then when I was on my own. Of course, not near as much when I was single and in college. There's no way I could do 5.5 a week now! Besides, I'd always be drunk, since I can't handle even a glass of wine some times! LOL

Foo said...

"I drink more now that I'm married to Foo then when I was on my own."

Before someone else pops up to point it out... yes, this probably does qualify as a correlation, at the very least, and quite likely an effect.

Crying Fowl

This morning, at the end of this week's obligatory commute to the office, I turned in to the driveway and was accosted by the biggest ho...