24 May, 2006

My brain has a stem

Turtle's always telling me that I think like a woman, and it was starting to give me a complex. So I took the test.

Your Brain is 40% Female, 60% Male

You have a total boy brain
Logical and detailed, you tend to look at the facts
And while your emotions do sway you sometimes...
You never like to get feelings too involved

I'm only 60% reassured. 65%, if you count the fact that the brain in the picture above looks to me like a woman's shapely bottom (Paging Dr. Rorschach... Dr. Rorschach to the admitting desk...).


Gwynne said...

Is it the female part that's responsible for the curliques on your face? I'll have to try this one...my husband's always accusing me of thinking like a man ("ask for directions? are you kidding me?")

Foo said...

Gwynne: those aren't curlicues; they're tattoos.

Which reminds me of something I noticed while hanging out by the pool, on the cruise ship.

I had no idea that so many women were sporting ink, these days. Not just women in their 20s and 30s either. I'm talking [cough] seasoned women whose works of skin art looked like they'd been tightly wadded up and unfolded again.


Tink said...

My brain is:

60% Female, 40% Male

"I had no idea that so many women were sporting ink, these days." I used to design tattoos as a side job and I lived with professional piercers. And I've never had any of it done. It's just not "Hot" to me.

I always think, "How is that going to look when I'm 60?"

Foo said...

Tink: I can assure you that I now know the answer to that one, and it ain't pretty.

Gwynne said...

So you've just had your eyes and nose replaced by tattoos? Sounds very Michael Jackonesque to me, but okay. ;-)

Hey, I've got one of those "seasoned" tattoos. I waited until I was "old enough" to know what I was doing (40) and placed it someplace where the sun don't shine. ;-) But still, this belongs in the Stupid Things I've Done category.

Foo said...

Gwynne: Well, I'll be darned. There are curlicues where the eyes should be. Guess I was just too focused on that perfect heart-shaped brain to notice.

As far as your tattoo being seasoned, if it's where the sun don't shine I don't think it could be in the same class as the ones I'm talking about. And, based on your profile picture, I'd say you'd also have to gain about 100 pounds.

Jenn said...

Im glad you and Turtle had fun on your trip. Sounded fabulous.
Seasoned women? You mean like this?

I took your test.
I'm 53% female and 46% male.
"Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female. You are both sensitive and savvy. Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed but you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve"

Strangely accurate although I never noticed my sleeves being particularly heart laden.

Crying Fowl

This morning, at the end of this week's obligatory commute to the office, I turned in to the driveway and was accosted by the biggest ho...