Which X-Man Are You?

You are Cyclops! Strong-willed, disciplined, and an all-around good guy, you are probably the envy of most others around you. As Cyclops, you are committed to your family and lovers, even if you sometimes lose your patience. You will find best times with Colossus, with his sense of virtue, but will be at odds with Havok due to his insecurities.
Take this quiz!
This is most perturbatory, since Cyclops is probably my least favorite X-man of all time and because I've always considered myself to have a lot more in common with Nightcrawler.
The test must've been rigged. I demand a recount.
Okay...this is weird. I'm Beast! The traits I can see; the charactuer seems totally off kilter.
Intellectual, Understanding, Genuine:
You are Beast! You have a love for learning about the world -- to better apply it in social situations, of course! Considerate and sympathetic, your friends can always come to you for credible advice. Rictor suits you, as you will be able to sooth his temper, but you will find trouble with Havok, who just can't come to believe your "genuine" ways.
Why can't I be NightCrawler??? Or what about Jean???
I'm Cyclops. :)
Growing up I always loved Rogue and Gambit.
All week I've been asking Hoop, "Do you know what Friday is?" He thinks I'm a total dork. :)
I didn't mention it before but Nightcrawler isn't one of the options provided. If you want to see which X-woman you'd be, you have to take this test.
My 40% female brain tested out as Rogue, apparently.
Now I'm Dazzler??? I think this thing is screwy.
You are the Dazzler! Loyal and assertive, you are unafraid to set your own boundaries and establish yourself as an individual. The Dazzler is a singer and an actress, so you may also have deep connection to the arts, as well as lofty ambitions of success. You will find most friendship in the cosmopolitan Psylocke, but least interest with Rogue and Polaris.
Thanks for this. I have linked to it in my quiz results blog!
I am Jean Grey. Eat that Rogue... I mean, Foo. Hehe
WV: Yobez= It's nun of yobez what I'm doin' bro.
HAHA! I was going to say that the funniest thing about the XMen movie was seing Kelsey Grammar in blue fur. I took the test, and I am BEAST! haha That was funny!
Acording to this quiz, I am Beast. Then I had to look up who Beast was.
Tink: You may be Jean Grey, but remember: the thing about being Rogue is that all I have to do is make skin to skin contact with you (cover your ears, Turtle) and I can take your powers. Muhahaha!

Aunt Jo: When I heard that The Beast was going to be in X-men III, I was afraid they'd cop out and use the pre-furred Beast. I always liked The Beast. He was so brainy and the way he talked so out of step with everyday English that it made his personality very distinct from the others. And Kelsey Grammar has made his living playing exactly that sort of character, so I have no doubt that he made a great Beast.
Odd Mix: Never heard of The Beast, eh? Maybe the X-men (and The Beast) were old news by the time you were reading comics? Or you were only into D.C. comics?
Or is it because you were one of those despised Popular Kids, who actually had a social life and a car? Went out on dates and played on the high school football team?
Susie: She didn't feel like anyone was reading her blogs. I told her that the way to increase traffic was to keep adding new content all the time, and I offered to show her the statistics for my blog to show how the hits drop when I'm not posting frequently or when I'm not amusing enough. She said she doesn't have enough time right now.
I tried to convince her to just leave the blogs in place and get back to them when she could—but she deleted them anyway. Her blogs; her call.
I guess I should remove the links from my blogroll, though. Eh?
Alright... I give up. Where are you hiding? It was my turn to find you again wasn't it? I KNEW I should have peeked!
"Or is it because you were one of those despised Popular Kids, who actually had a social life and a car? Went out on dates and played on the high school football team?"
LOL. I had a social life! The X-Men were my friends.
Turtle head? I was thinking it looked kind of like a tyrannosaurus with a Mona Lisa smile and no eyes.
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